02 March 2018


Batter for Pancakes 


1 cup plain flour
Pinch salt
1 Egg
1 ¼ cups milk


Put flour and salt in a basin
Break egg into the flour
Stir gradually
Add milk a little at a time
It is best if you can let it stand for a while

22 May 2011

Facts, Fallacies and Foolishness

I recently started reading 'Economic Facts and Fallacies' after hearing the author, Thomas Sowell, interviewed on the Dennis Prager Show.  Although I'm not usually one for skipping to the end of a book to see how the story ends, I decided, in this case, it would be safe to do the technological equivalent and watch an interview with the author discussing the book on Uncommon Knowledge (with Peter Robinson).  In part 5 Sowell is asked whether he is generally optimistic or pessimistic with regard to the future.

Wise Man

Here, in part, is his answer to that question.

We're raising whole generations who regard facts as more or less optional.  We have kids in elementary school who are being urged to take stands on political issues, to write letters to congressmen and presidents about nuclear energy.  They're not a decade old and they're being thrown these kinds of questions that could absorb the lifetime of a very brilliant and learned man.  They're being taught that it is important to have views and they're not being taught that it's important to know what you're talking about.  It's important to hear the opposite viewpoint and, more important, to learn how to distinguish why viewpoint A and viewpoint B are different, and which one has the most evidence or logic behind it.  They disregard that.  They hear some rhetoric and they run with it.
Not an overly optimistic response.

Then again, I guess Sowell has every reason to be pessimistic.

Useful Idiots

When that fateful day arrives when my children come home from school telling me how the planet is dying, and that we must DO SOMETHING about it, I'll be sure to remember Sowell's remarks above and do something which, sadly, is considered by many of our elites and elected politicians as controversial:  I'll sit them down and expose them to 'Viewpoint B".